Having a function as a name in humans, the logo is one of the determinants of the identity of the brand. Therefore, if you want to learn to make it, there are some tips for making a company logo that you need to know.
Why do you need tips? Because creating a logo for a brand is not as easy as it looks. Logos need to have links and designs that can represent the values of a business. In addition, the designers must also ensure that the logo they create can look more unique and different from other companies. It’s certainly not easy, right?
So that you can design a slick logo for your company, take a look at the seven tips for making a logo in Singapore that we have curated below!
- Use the double entendre visual technique
Double entendre is a term used to describe an image that has 2 meanings. This one trick can be used when you want to create a logo for a company.
The reason is, according to Mayven Studios, the visual design of the double entendre will give a smart and artistic impression to the logo. The design can provide a brand name without the need to include it as text in the logo.
Therefore, this one tip will make your company logo easy for customers to remember.
- Adjust the colour match
The next tip that you need to follow when creating a company logo is to always adjust the colour match. Colour has its meaning and can be effectively used in logos to communicate the values and ideas of a brand.
Therefore, designers need to use colour palettes that complement each other, according to Venngage. The right colour combinations can also make a logo look more lively and realistic, making it relevant in the minds of customers.
- Use a custom font
There are lots of logos that are just text. This is quite reasonable because typography is indeed a trend among designers. However, to have a more personal and unique impression, designers need to use fonts that they have customised independently.
Indeed, it is not wrong to use stock fonts that are generally available in logo designing software. Creative fonts that can match the brand’s vision and mission will look much more authentic.
Take the Coca-Cola company for example. They used custom fonts and managed to rank on top of favourite sodas. Why? One reason is their creative logo that is easy to remember.
- Take advantage of the logotype
Some big brands choose to use the brand name as their logo. Therefore, they took an alternative and created a logotype as a company logo design. Well, the logotype itself is a design that puts the brand name as the main focus of the design.
According to Design Crowd, using this design is suitable as a tip for those of you who want to create a company logo. Because this design can immediately associate the brand name with the visual identity of the logo without confusing customers.
These advantages make the logotype design a powerful weapon for a company that is spreading its brand identity.
- Create a simple design
When you hear the words Apple or Nike, what comes to mind is an impressive minimalist logo design. This idea was formed because of its simple and hassle-free logo design.
Yes, according to Designs Hack, a simple design can give the impression of a strong brand. A simple design can give character to a logo, make it look unique, and give a philosophical meaning that seems deeper.
This tip is also very relevant, especially for beginners who want to create a company logo. If you feel you have design skills that are not too great, don’t worry. With a simple design, the results of your logo design can still attract the hearts of customers.
- Create a recognisable logo
A successful logo is easily recognisable and unique to a brand. Although the process of making it sounds difficult, it’s not. With common symbols or pictures, you can add a little interesting touch to make it look different and unique.
Also, how do you make the logo easily recognisable? The trick is to mix colours and create a logo that is similar to the brand name, as Designs Hack says.
Just like Apple. They created a logo design out of apples and gave it a black and white colour. Does it match their brand name product?
- Insert meaning into each element
A logo is not just an image that is randomly selected and printed on a business card. This important aspect of determining brand identity has a function that goes beyond that.
Indeed, a logo is a representation of a brand with a unique story and meaning behind it. The meaning in a logo can be present in an implied or explicit form.
Well, putting meaning in design elements is not an easy job. Therefore, the tips for making meaning to the company logo that you need to know are the colour game.
Yes, according to Just Creative, the game of colour can indirectly affect the mindset and emotions of customers. Therefore, try to give patterns and colour combinations to each element of the logo. It doesn’t need to be too bright, the important thing is that the colour can give an impression on the brand identity.
Those are the seven tips for creating a logo design in Singapore that designers need to know. Although it is not easy to execute, it is guaranteed that all the tricks and examples above can make your company’s brand logo attractive and can attract customer interest.